Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog

Friday, September 17, 2004

The Word Spy Index - The World - Politics

The Word Spy Index - The World - Politics

A good glossary of political neologisms.


Here are two new left-leaning 527ads
"Quagmire" from

Over the weekend, do a Google search, define 527 agencies, and build as big a catogorized list of them, right, center and left, as you can. Post it here.

The key is to make it journalistic, give it a snappy title, charts and graphics are good also.

Reference to Triumph of the Will


Scroll down below the picture of the little girl on her dad's shoulders.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I DO want you to post your thoughts about the ads here. I just want the "test" posts eliminated. Plus it will give you experience deleting, better to know how and not use it often, vs the opposite.


Please go back to Blogger and delete your test posts

Hi, due to the large volume of generic posts, our Google ads now show Public Service Announcements! The rules of supply and demand are really kicking in now!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

please add a test

Figure out how to add a post here, after all you ARE the internet generation! :)


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 Top Sellers Top Sellers

This link goes to Amazon's top selling political books. These include the Report by the 9/11 Commission, American Soldier by Tommy Franks and Malcolm McConnell, Treachery : How America's Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies
by Bill Gertz, and Bushworld: Enter at Your Own Risk by Maureen Dowd. Also on this this are books by Pat Buchannan, Sean Hannity, Ruchard Clarke, Zell Miller and John Dean. How, in the Internet Age, has print again risen to such popularity?

Monday, September 13, 2004 - Annenberg Political Fact Check - Annenberg Political Fact Check

This organization checks facts on major issues and covers both presidebtial campaigns. | The Real Story on John Kerry's Military Service | The Real Story on John Kerry's Military Service

Texans for Truth

Texans for Truth

Texans for Truth

Texans for Truth :: Video & Audio :: Video & Audio

John Kerry for President -TV Spots

John Kerry for President -

Quick Quiz

According to Goebbels, “What is the moral value of propaganda?”

Complete this statement from Goebbels:
Political propaganda, the art of anchoring the things of the state in the broad masses so that the whole nation will feel a part of them, cannot therefore remain merely a means to the goal of winning power. It must become a means of ( ).

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