Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog

Friday, April 15, 2005

In the current political climate Christianity has asserted it self as a major force. How unified is it as a faction? This site is a bit more vehement than most Christian sites but does present a side of the intra-denominational debate that deosn't get much airtime. While this topic is controversial, it IS discussed by many religious-political leaders and should be considered.

While Catholics make up the single largest voting bloc, many fundamentalists belive that Catholics as a whole, will not get to Heaven. Their reasons include worshiping the Pope as a "god', worshiping Mary and 'a piece of bread', and attempting to gain salvation through "works".

The Religious Right obviously thinks, faith is better than no faith, so the next question must logically be Which Faith is Better? While inter-denominational groups are politely sitting together in a suburban Virginia conference room hammering out favorable legislation what thoughts are going through their heads?

The theological debate concerning "salvation through faith Alone" vs "Faith with out deeds is nothing" does occupy the thoughts of many current opinion-leaders.

I find it a bit upsetting to hear that the Roman Catholic students I teach and know well as devout caring people filled with hope for our world will be spending eternity in a burning Lake of Fire.

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