Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog

Friday, December 16, 2005

Stretchable Silicon

This oughtta be good!

While not quite Spotted Paint, this development should make some major changes in product design. If your familiar with WormHole theory. that Space isnt merely a flat surface, but convoluted in certain dimensions, capable of being transited at closer points, you may get an idea of what this developemnt can bring.

Just pull off the side panel on that DEll or E-Machine, take a peek inside and try to imagine all those rectangular cards sitting along your rear wall being shaped more like the heat sink on your processor. This is just a first step, think in terms of your laptop.


So, the good news is....

you'll have place to stay.

New gig

Its been a while and I've been busy.

The new shop is doing well, some of the new designs are selling well, and a few major personal changes have dropped like hydrogen bombs.

More to come!


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