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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Saturday, December 04, 2004
More bad news from Iraq about our treatment of prisoners.
Will they ever learn? BoingBoing.com has the full story here. These were found by amateur viewers using Google search. A Navy Seal's wife posted them on the picture sharing site, www.smugmug.com. Various news agencies were able to purchase the images for twenty-nine cents apiece, thus owning them outright now. If I'm reading the stories properly, they are still available, but are password protected now.
Which is more chilling, blood spatters on the fridge or a Nike-sponsored thumbs up? These are going to be seen world wide now. In terms of Promotion, what message is being broadcast to those that see these? How will this be framed?
While this story does illustrate the power of Search Engine Navigation skills, I am left disgusted.

Will they ever learn? BoingBoing.com has the full story here. These were found by amateur viewers using Google search. A Navy Seal's wife posted them on the picture sharing site, www.smugmug.com. Various news agencies were able to purchase the images for twenty-nine cents apiece, thus owning them outright now. If I'm reading the stories properly, they are still available, but are password protected now.
Which is more chilling, blood spatters on the fridge or a Nike-sponsored thumbs up? These are going to be seen world wide now. In terms of Promotion, what message is being broadcast to those that see these? How will this be framed?
While this story does illustrate the power of Search Engine Navigation skills, I am left disgusted.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Marbles and Peter Pan - Theresa D
The topic Marbles and Peter Pan did not have many sites that related the two. Most often I found sites that talked about the character Toodles and the fact that he lost his marbles. One of the web sites that has memorable quotes from the movie is www.us.imdb.com/title/tt0102057/quotes.
Another site, http://members.aol.com/triplethreat2be/PeterPan.html talks about a young actors experience during an audition for a Peter Pan play. This web site also gives a link to click on that brings you to pictures from the audition.
The web site, http://www.thegoldengals.com/memories.html talks about memories that a person shares with other people and two of the things mentioned were collecting marbles and Peter Pan collard blouses. Other than that, there was not much on this topic.
Another site, http://members.aol.com/triplethreat2be/PeterPan.html talks about a young actors experience during an audition for a Peter Pan play. This web site also gives a link to click on that brings you to pictures from the audition.
The web site, http://www.thegoldengals.com/memories.html talks about memories that a person shares with other people and two of the things mentioned were collecting marbles and Peter Pan collard blouses. Other than that, there was not much on this topic.
Italian Leather Boots - Mike D.
After searching KartOO, I found so much regarding this topic. I'll begin with the song by Bob Dylan "Spanish Leather Boots". Ok, so it's not Italian leather, but hey, close enough. On the following website, you can see lyrics to this 1964 song.http://www.bobdylan-fr.com/trad/bootsofspanishleather.html
There were also tons of websites that show Italian Leather Boots for sale, but they are all obvious and boring, so I won't waste any time talking about them. I'll just post a few of the links to the websites here:
http://www.shoebuy.com/sb/shop.jsp/sh_C_Boots/n_C_Boots/b_2-0.82906-56.29 http://www.italianmoda.com/popular/shoes.cfm
I then thought about the topic a little bit more, and I thought of one thing...Catwoman the movie. Although I haven't seen it, I have seen enough commercials and billboards for it that I know that Halle Berry wears her share of Italian leather (boots included) throughout, so if you go to the following site, you can see many pictures of said feline comic heroine:
Then, after I typed looking up Italian leather, I found multiple sites that are not suitable for audiences under 18. Good thing everyone here is 18! Just kidding, being a Catholic school and all, I'll leave those sites for your imagination, or you can check them out at your own leisure ;)
I then thought of the song by Nancy Sinatra "These Boots are Made for Walking", and I thought including a downloadable version of that song would be appropriate. So here it is:
Ok, so there we have it. Tons of information about leather and boots and Italians...well, Italian leather anyway. So, check out the websites, they are pretty cool. And it just goes to show you how much you can find about different topics when you are surfing the web. Surf away.
There were also tons of websites that show Italian Leather Boots for sale, but they are all obvious and boring, so I won't waste any time talking about them. I'll just post a few of the links to the websites here:
I then thought about the topic a little bit more, and I thought of one thing...Catwoman the movie. Although I haven't seen it, I have seen enough commercials and billboards for it that I know that Halle Berry wears her share of Italian leather (boots included) throughout, so if you go to the following site, you can see many pictures of said feline comic heroine:
Then, after I typed looking up Italian leather, I found multiple sites that are not suitable for audiences under 18. Good thing everyone here is 18! Just kidding, being a Catholic school and all, I'll leave those sites for your imagination, or you can check them out at your own leisure ;)
I then thought of the song by Nancy Sinatra "These Boots are Made for Walking", and I thought including a downloadable version of that song would be appropriate. So here it is:
Ok, so there we have it. Tons of information about leather and boots and Italians...well, Italian leather anyway. So, check out the websites, they are pretty cool. And it just goes to show you how much you can find about different topics when you are surfing the web. Surf away.
---Mike D.
God is Still Speaking - The United Church of Christ
This site features the ad from the United Church of Christ. This ad will be the basis for the essay-based exam on Monday.
You'll need to research the topic and cover the story from this range of topics:
- Describe the ad in general terms.
- What networks won't show it, and why?
- How has the church responded?
- Has any public opinion work been done on the controversy?
- What national figures have commented on this?
- What are the memorable symbols from it?
- Explain the ad in terms Lakoff or Luntz might use, aka "Frame it".
- Has the United Church of Christ taken any decidedly political actions previous to this, recently or historically?
- How does the United Church of Christ fit into my chart concerning politics and religion?
- Is there any geographic concentration for this denomination?
- Does any negative controversy from this outweigh any positive outcomes?
This list is a roadmap. I do not expect all topics to be covered in any one essay. Mixing and matching should produce a good distribution of ideas.
HOWEVER, I have suggested a very wide array of topics and I expect variety. These will be posted to the Blog, and since people will be have a potential to 'borrow' from another's work, originality will recieve higher consideration. Similar essays may lose consideration, so please be creative AND thorough in your research.
I expect students to show up on Monday to hand in an exact printed copy of the posted blog. Bear in mind that the lab printer may or may not be working, so have a Plan B ready if it's not working well.
Friday will be used to discuss the details.
You'll need to research the topic and cover the story from this range of topics:
- Describe the ad in general terms.
- What networks won't show it, and why?
- How has the church responded?
- Has any public opinion work been done on the controversy?
- What national figures have commented on this?
- What are the memorable symbols from it?
- Explain the ad in terms Lakoff or Luntz might use, aka "Frame it".
- Has the United Church of Christ taken any decidedly political actions previous to this, recently or historically?
- How does the United Church of Christ fit into my chart concerning politics and religion?
- Is there any geographic concentration for this denomination?
- Does any negative controversy from this outweigh any positive outcomes?
This list is a roadmap. I do not expect all topics to be covered in any one essay. Mixing and matching should produce a good distribution of ideas.
HOWEVER, I have suggested a very wide array of topics and I expect variety. These will be posted to the Blog, and since people will be have a potential to 'borrow' from another's work, originality will recieve higher consideration. Similar essays may lose consideration, so please be creative AND thorough in your research.
I expect students to show up on Monday to hand in an exact printed copy of the posted blog. Bear in mind that the lab printer may or may not be working, so have a Plan B ready if it's not working well.
Friday will be used to discuss the details.
Oxford University, Amateur Aerial Photo
Viewers at the RC Groups forum have been using small digital cameras duct-taped to Remote Control airplanes and getting low-altitude aerial pictures like these.
How long until big realty companies add this media to their advertising repetoire?
Due to Anti-Spam filters on most email servers Spammer's have reverted back to 1980s style ASCII art in order to get their message across. The text that forms the "graphic of words" is all G-rated and will bypass the machine-based blockers.
Big Change in broadband! How will this change the way we learn about the world? Can you say Epistemic?
Monday, November 29, 2004
Some Web sites that may change the way you surf
Welcome to Flickr!
Flickr will be mandatory for my classes next semester. Feedster is a great way to find Blogs relevant to your needs.
Ten-by-ten is news for the surfer.
Outer-court follows new trends in web-browsing.
Cool tools is self-explanatory.
Why this stuff? Because Americans will be spending a lot more time on the web as it merges with TV in the next two years. Get used to change, it's going to be with us a while.
Flickr will be mandatory for my classes next semester. Feedster is a great way to find Blogs relevant to your needs.
Ten-by-ten is news for the surfer.
Outer-court follows new trends in web-browsing.
Cool tools is self-explanatory.
Why this stuff? Because Americans will be spending a lot more time on the web as it merges with TV in the next two years. Get used to change, it's going to be with us a while.
Some Web sites that may change the way you surf
Welcome to Flickr!
Flickr will be mandatory for my classes next semester. Feedster is a great way to find Blogs relevant to your needs.
Ten-by-ten is news for the surfer.
Outer-court follows new trends in web-browsing.
Cool tools is self-explanatory.
Why this stuff? Because Americans will be spending a lot more time on the web as it merges with TV in the next two years. Get used to change, it's going to be with us a while.
Flickr will be mandatory for my classes next semester. Feedster is a great way to find Blogs relevant to your needs.
Ten-by-ten is news for the surfer.
Outer-court follows new trends in web-browsing.
Cool tools is self-explanatory.
Why this stuff? Because Americans will be spending a lot more time on the web as it merges with TV in the next two years. Get used to change, it's going to be with us a while.