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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Saturday, October 30, 2004
"Mosh", even Moby likes it
Finally! You have someone besides Sean Coombs to serve as Voice of the Generation. Eminem has stepped forward, and done it well.
Here's the storyboard and lyrics, with a lame attempt at a Lakovian explantion based on framing:
Here's the video:
This may be one of the most effective protests songs I've ever heard, and the video breaks ground. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Youngs slamming Nixon in 1971's "Four Dead in Ohio" was strong, but this is herculean with regards to "W".
Finally! You have someone besides Sean Coombs to serve as Voice of the Generation. Eminem has stepped forward, and done it well.
Here's the storyboard and lyrics, with a lame attempt at a Lakovian explantion based on framing:
Here's the video:
This may be one of the most effective protests songs I've ever heard, and the video breaks ground. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Youngs slamming Nixon in 1971's "Four Dead in Ohio" was strong, but this is herculean with regards to "W".
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Class Cancelled for Friday
Do to a premature announcement from the mayor's Office in Boston concerning a Friday celebration I cancelled class for Friday. Today the mayor has rescheduled the event to Saturday, I will, however, cancel the class. It would be too difficult to reach people to re-convene the classes.
Do to a premature announcement from the mayor's Office in Boston concerning a Friday celebration I cancelled class for Friday. Today the mayor has rescheduled the event to Saturday, I will, however, cancel the class. It would be too difficult to reach people to re-convene the classes.
ok, you Wannabe Communicators! Your turn!
You've read every article you could about the Sox, you've seen every angle covered and you know you can do better. So do it.
Let's see your best Red Sox column. I'll give a cash reward for the one(s) I like best. Criteria include lack of cliches, correct spelling and useage, minimum use of quotes, and catchy ledes. Deadline is Monday 9:00 am.
Enjoy the parade!
You've read every article you could about the Sox, you've seen every angle covered and you know you can do better. So do it.
Let's see your best Red Sox column. I'll give a cash reward for the one(s) I like best. Criteria include lack of cliches, correct spelling and useage, minimum use of quotes, and catchy ledes. Deadline is Monday 9:00 am.
Enjoy the parade!