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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Friday, November 12, 2004
Alberto - Comic/ Kenneth Burke
Alberto - Comic
This is a comic book version of the 'conversion; of a priest/bishop from Catholocism to Protestentism.
If we were studying Kenneth Burke in depth, the medium of the Comic Book would be the Agency. Who would prefer Comic Books? What aspect of the priest's life recieve the greatest attention in the comic? Who may find the greatest identification with this section?
My phrase "The Things They Carried" implies that one can learn much examining artifacts from our subjects.
Burke's Pentad provides a frame work to study human creations aka rhetoric, a planned communication. The Comic book would be using an Agency/Act ratio.
This is a comic book version of the 'conversion; of a priest/bishop from Catholocism to Protestentism.
If we were studying Kenneth Burke in depth, the medium of the Comic Book would be the Agency. Who would prefer Comic Books? What aspect of the priest's life recieve the greatest attention in the comic? Who may find the greatest identification with this section?
My phrase "The Things They Carried" implies that one can learn much examining artifacts from our subjects.
Burke's Pentad provides a frame work to study human creations aka rhetoric, a planned communication. The Comic book would be using an Agency/Act ratio.
Ned Flanders from Caitlin
I can only think of one family so close to ned flanders. That is a family I have already talked about during class. This family has only one tv and they only have it to hook up a vcr and to watch sports. Not only does this family not have cable, the parents even take out and hide the antennas when they are not watching a sports game. When selecting movies this family is very strict as well, in fact when i we were 17 my friend, a member of this family, allowed her 12 year old sister to watch jurassic park, a pg-13 film, and was grounded for 2 weeks.
Caitlin Posts LB Series
I have never heard of this left behind series until now. In some ways this surprises me because, after looking them up, i realize how popular they are. Not only is this a series of books that many people are aware of and read, it is also a movie series. It surprises me taht i was unaware of this not only because it is so popular but also because it looks like something that would be right up my mother's alley (no, i am not saying she is a ned flanders type, this stuff just interests her).
An interesting review left behind books can be found here
as well as one for the movies here
An interesting review left behind books can be found here
as well as one for the movies here
Caitlin posts
there are some blogs that i had noticed never posted on the site, but i went back to find them in the edit section and wanted you to know i have been doing them
Friday, October 15, 2004
emotions and facts
I found this site and think it might help to differentiate between the facts and the emotions drudged up in this film.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:24 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
This film does a good job of forcing me to think about Moore's movie and seriously question the facts he presented and what sort of spin he may have put on them. Farenheit 911 expresses Moore's opinion as fact and Farenhype 911 goes through and tells the truth to the facts that Moore manipulated leaving room for the viewers to form their own opinions. However being a Bush supporter i have to ask, am i just hearing what i want to?
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:02 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
This little bunny just keeps "going and going" like the battery power. I like these commercials because i think they are funny and after seeing years and years of them it gives off the impression that the same bunny has been moving all these years on the same battery. This commercial appeals to logos of its consumers. It's saying that it is long lasting, that you will save the aggrivation of your things running out of battery power and the money of always having to buy new batteries. It is aimed at anyone who owns battery operated devices and will be buying batteries for them, which today is everybody from 10 till 100.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 11:53 AM
Friday, October 15, 2004
emotions and facts
I found this site and think it might help to differentiate between the facts and the emotions drudged up in this film.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:24 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
This film does a good job of forcing me to think about Moore's movie and seriously question the facts he presented and what sort of spin he may have put on them. Farenheit 911 expresses Moore's opinion as fact and Farenhype 911 goes through and tells the truth to the facts that Moore manipulated leaving room for the viewers to form their own opinions. However being a Bush supporter i have to ask, am i just hearing what i want to?
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:02 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
This little bunny just keeps "going and going" like the battery power. I like these commercials because i think they are funny and after seeing years and years of them it gives off the impression that the same bunny has been moving all these years on the same battery. This commercial appeals to logos of its consumers. It's saying that it is long lasting, that you will save the aggrivation of your things running out of battery power and the money of always having to buy new batteries. It is aimed at anyone who owns battery operated devices and will be buying batteries for them, which today is everybody from 10 till 100.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 11:53 AM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
What DO we know? Really?
The Evangelical Outpost
This is a blog from the Evangelical side. This site is fairly well read and offers an extensive selection of like-minded blogs. Current discussion at this site features some issues we've been going over in lectures.
Hugh Hewitt gets credit for being the Ev-Blogger with the biggest audience, so this alone merits investigation.
I have found that the terminology circulating in MSM (Main Stream Media) is in dispute, however.
Terms such as Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Christian Right, Pro-Life have subtle nuances which have considerable relevance within each of these groups. It is entirely possible for an Evangelical to be pro-choice as a legal matter, consider opposition to war in Iraq and poverty as moral issues and vote for the Democrats. The link to the Evangelical Outpost fleshes this out some more.
This link offers a geuine Liberal point of view: The Village Gate
" The tragic result has been that "religious" is becoming synonymous with narrow-minded, bigoted, and uncaring. "Christian" is no longer associated with Martin Luther King, Jr. and William Sloane Coffin but with Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and Albert Mohler." from the Village Gate.
My introductory examination of current "Red State philosophies", a term I'm using as a "work-around solution" to the terminology puzzle, is starting to look like an here-to-fore untapped gold mine. How can predictions be made, experiments conducted, and explanations be given when so much is uncertain?
Who is Ned Flanders? What does he believe? Where does he live? What does he think of the poor? criminals? corporate malfeasance? Is Ned a fundamentalist, an evangelical, a life-long Republican or disaffected Democrat taking a temporary detour?
A poll recently taken in the Northeast showed that very few people knew any Evangelicals, while almost all knew homosexuals. In the South the results were almost directly inverted. The facts are, however, that Evangelicals make up approximately 20% of US population and only 3% are homosexual. Are the Fab Five the equivalent pop culture icons to Ned for the South?
If, paraphrasing McLuhan, "media use explains and informs one's world view", how useful are our extensive media options when so much of our country is ignorant about such a large bloc of fellow citizens? It seems that America's current media situation is better at selling products than informing us.
IQs and Votes by State
This link features a list of IQ's and recent votes. Though I cannot attest to its accuracy, if true it raises an interesting question. If the level of understanding in the Northeast, could be so wrong about a 20 million FELLOW Americans, what else are they wrong about? (Thank you, HZ and KL)
If the intelligent and sophisticated people of pre-WWII Germany were wrong concerning rise and designs of the Third Reich through its deliberate media manipulation, what can be said of us with such an extensive, penetrative, and ultimately inaccurate media structure?
I am not suggesting that a new Nazi party is in the wings by any stretch of nuance nor wink-and-nod. I use the Germans to show that you CAN fool all of the people, all of the time! I am merely asking if the Typical Northeasterner could be so blind to the 20 million voters standing in plain view, how safe are the remaining basic assumptions of the world for that group in general? Does it follow that people in the rest of the country are immune from this oversight, or have their myopias, if any, simply not been tested yet?
Politics is the competition for law-makers; laws result in governmental action; governmental actions have real consequences in daily life of everyone; the USA is the most powerful country on the planet and our policies effect the world; and the media inform us of our politics. A very weak link has been revealed in this cycle.
How does that make you feel?
The Evangelical Outpost
This is a blog from the Evangelical side. This site is fairly well read and offers an extensive selection of like-minded blogs. Current discussion at this site features some issues we've been going over in lectures.
Hugh Hewitt gets credit for being the Ev-Blogger with the biggest audience, so this alone merits investigation.
I have found that the terminology circulating in MSM (Main Stream Media) is in dispute, however.
Terms such as Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Christian Right, Pro-Life have subtle nuances which have considerable relevance within each of these groups. It is entirely possible for an Evangelical to be pro-choice as a legal matter, consider opposition to war in Iraq and poverty as moral issues and vote for the Democrats. The link to the Evangelical Outpost fleshes this out some more.
This link offers a geuine Liberal point of view: The Village Gate
" The tragic result has been that "religious" is becoming synonymous with narrow-minded, bigoted, and uncaring. "Christian" is no longer associated with Martin Luther King, Jr. and William Sloane Coffin but with Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and Albert Mohler." from the Village Gate.
My introductory examination of current "Red State philosophies", a term I'm using as a "work-around solution" to the terminology puzzle, is starting to look like an here-to-fore untapped gold mine. How can predictions be made, experiments conducted, and explanations be given when so much is uncertain?
Who is Ned Flanders? What does he believe? Where does he live? What does he think of the poor? criminals? corporate malfeasance? Is Ned a fundamentalist, an evangelical, a life-long Republican or disaffected Democrat taking a temporary detour?
A poll recently taken in the Northeast showed that very few people knew any Evangelicals, while almost all knew homosexuals. In the South the results were almost directly inverted. The facts are, however, that Evangelicals make up approximately 20% of US population and only 3% are homosexual. Are the Fab Five the equivalent pop culture icons to Ned for the South?
If, paraphrasing McLuhan, "media use explains and informs one's world view", how useful are our extensive media options when so much of our country is ignorant about such a large bloc of fellow citizens? It seems that America's current media situation is better at selling products than informing us.
IQs and Votes by State
This link features a list of IQ's and recent votes. Though I cannot attest to its accuracy, if true it raises an interesting question. If the level of understanding in the Northeast, could be so wrong about a 20 million FELLOW Americans, what else are they wrong about? (Thank you, HZ and KL)
If the intelligent and sophisticated people of pre-WWII Germany were wrong concerning rise and designs of the Third Reich through its deliberate media manipulation, what can be said of us with such an extensive, penetrative, and ultimately inaccurate media structure?
I am not suggesting that a new Nazi party is in the wings by any stretch of nuance nor wink-and-nod. I use the Germans to show that you CAN fool all of the people, all of the time! I am merely asking if the Typical Northeasterner could be so blind to the 20 million voters standing in plain view, how safe are the remaining basic assumptions of the world for that group in general? Does it follow that people in the rest of the country are immune from this oversight, or have their myopias, if any, simply not been tested yet?
Politics is the competition for law-makers; laws result in governmental action; governmental actions have real consequences in daily life of everyone; the USA is the most powerful country on the planet and our policies effect the world; and the media inform us of our politics. A very weak link has been revealed in this cycle.
How does that make you feel?
Monday, November 08, 2004
Web rings featuring LB materials
WebRing: hub
Web Rings are listing of web sites organized by topics. These are the types of fan sites I'd like you to examine.
Web Rings are listing of web sites organized by topics. These are the types of fan sites I'd like you to examine.
MSNBC - Religion: The Pop Prophets
Left Behind
Left Behind: Home
This is the Home Page from the publishers of the Left Behind series.
The site allows members to create their own "Official" sites as long as certain ground rules are followed.
This site may serve as a springboard for your research but DO NOT use this site as your main body of research. The assignment was to find a fan site, an informal site run by someone who enjoys the series.
It will be informative to see what these sites focus on, who advertises there, if at all, and what the content may be. This conetent may be inspirational, offering guiding principles for a better way of living; it may be doctrinal, suggesting more formal ways of religious observance; it may also be evangelical, offering suggestings on spreading the word through personal or mediated means. The content may also be political, featuring links to established oragnizations.
Searching the "links" on these pages will reveal any corrollary sites that may help flesh out the research.
Left Behind: Home
This is the Home Page from the publishers of the Left Behind series.
The site allows members to create their own "Official" sites as long as certain ground rules are followed.
This site may serve as a springboard for your research but DO NOT use this site as your main body of research. The assignment was to find a fan site, an informal site run by someone who enjoys the series.
It will be informative to see what these sites focus on, who advertises there, if at all, and what the content may be. This conetent may be inspirational, offering guiding principles for a better way of living; it may be doctrinal, suggesting more formal ways of religious observance; it may also be evangelical, offering suggestings on spreading the word through personal or mediated means. The content may also be political, featuring links to established oragnizations.
Searching the "links" on these pages will reveal any corrollary sites that may help flesh out the research.
Caitlan election
for some reason i cannot get on to blog... soooo... im emailing iyt to you instead
While i spent the night in the library until close and went to bed soon after i got back i was unable to see most of the election last night, but i did tune in this morning. I thought it was interesting how msnbc was saying that it had been confirmed by the associated press that Kerry had conceded but they made sure to note that they had yet to confirm it. In fact they kept repeating that they hadnt confirmed it for at least the first 5 minutes i was tuned in. Shortly after they announced that they themselves had confirmation that Kerry conceded. I did not watch the last election but i wonder if the media was as deliberate in stating what was and wasnt confimed by them 4 years ago or if this comes from the confusion that occured in the last election.
While i spent the night in the library until close and went to bed soon after i got back i was unable to see most of the election last night, but i did tune in this morning. I thought it was interesting how msnbc was saying that it had been confirmed by the associated press that Kerry had conceded but they made sure to note that they had yet to confirm it. In fact they kept repeating that they hadnt confirmed it for at least the first 5 minutes i was tuned in. Shortly after they announced that they themselves had confirmation that Kerry conceded. I did not watch the last election but i wonder if the media was as deliberate in stating what was and wasnt confimed by them 4 years ago or if this comes from the confusion that occured in the last election.
Carly W. Election entry
I cant blog so Ive been sending my blogs to your email...hope youve received them! =) I am a republican so I was happy that Bush won but I dont completely agree with the issues that were discussed. I agree mostly with Kerrys issues but I do not think he would have been a good president. If the presidency was based on issues Kerry should have won but I think that it is a popularity vote like student council in high school. Its getting to the point where people vote for the person themself then what they can do for the country. I think that Kerry would have been a little confused being thrown into this war thing; Bush will do a fine job. Everyone makes mistakes so until Bush screws up bad, I have no reason to dislike him. I just wish us the best and hope we can overcome the war and stand strong as a united country.Carly
A. Brown two-fer Blogs
Allyson Brown Fahrenheit 9/11 verus Fahren-HYPE 9/11 I found these two films very controversial for several reasons. After viewing both of these movies, I realized that people can manipulate and twist scenarios into the manner which they choose. Each of these filmmakers is putting completely different spins on the exact same situations. Propaganda is clearly evident in both. This made me wonder how people can really trust what is being told to them. Like we discussed earlier in the semester how do people really know what is true. These films demonstrated that any situation can be manipulated in their favor to convince and persuade people of thinking their way and agreeing with their ideas. It makes me question the value of what I’m told now, you just never know the truth because everyone sees the truth from a different perspective. Fear Ad An interesting 527 ad that I saw on television was the Wolves Ad. This ad was put out by Bush. The ad depicted a pack of wolves, representing the enemy, terrorists etc. who were about to attack. The ad proclaimed that if Kerry was elected, these “wolves†would most definitely attack our country. This instills fear in the American public because Bush is trying to scare people into voting for him, because he says he will protect and defend our country from these “wolves†whereas Kerry would be unable to do so. By addressing such an important issue in America today Bush was able to tap into people’s pathos, or emotions and persuade people that they would be safe under his presidency. A few days later I discovered that Kerry had put out an ad in response to Bush’s. Kerry’s ad depicted Bush as an ostrich with its head in the ground to indicate that he has no clue what he’s doing with this country. It kind of struck me as odd that the presidential candidates were comparing each other to animals but I guess it makes sense since they are trying to paint a certain picture, so I guess it works.
Eliz. D Blog entry Maps
MAPS Seeing the visual layout of the continental US showing the concentration of voters turned my head. Bush definitely appeared to dominate at first glance with the vast amount of "red" that appeared. Kerry on the other hand had an extremely lot of support in certain areas, notably cities. You can only wonder if it was not decided and divided by 'state' but rather an even count across the US who would emerge a winner. Granted this would disregard the Electoral College and all such methods of voting known to us, but it is curiosity that leads me to wonder who the US chose for a president - overall. We probably will never know - this election or any other close one.PS- don’t forget to keep clicking the "Google" ads in order to add $ in 'Pat Brown's' account!!
Kevin L, entry election
[Once upon a time you dressed so fineYou threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"You thought they were all kiddin' youYou used to laugh aboutEverybody that was hangin' outNow you don't talk so loudNow you don't seem so proudAbout having to be scrounging for your next meal.] The largest difference in exit poll statistics among divided votes was education versus non-education. An overwhelming majority of those with a college education or higher voted for Kerry, implying that the less educated are the ones that voted for Bush—a statistic that correlates with a general trend that the more educated one individual is, the more liberal they vote.[How does it feelHow does it feelTo be without a homeLike a complete unknownLike a rolling stone?] How does it feel that Bush will be back for another term?[You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss LonelyBut you know you only used to get juiced in itAnd nobody has ever taught you how to live on the streetAnd now you find out you're gonna have to get used to itYou said you'd never compromiseWith the mystery tramp, but now you realizeHe's not selling any alibisAs you stare into the vacuum of his eyesAnd ask him do you want to make a deal?] Think about how many alibis Bush is making around the globe. Then think of how many fingers you have... that’s 8 more fingers than alibis.[How does it feelHow does it feelTo be on your ownWith no direction homeLike a complete unknownLike a rolling stone?] How does it feel to have the House, Senate, and President to be aligned by party?[You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clownsWhen they all come down and did tricks for youYou never understood that it ain't no goodYou shouldn't let other people get your kicks for youYou used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomatWho carried on his shoulder a Siamese catAin't it hard when you discover thatHe really wasn't where it's atAfter he took from you everything he could steal.]The Bush Administration's environmental policies continue to lower clenliness standards of our air, and appear to operate on a economic-based initiative, allowing utility companies to profit off of the weakened regulations. “In 2002, the head of the EPA's Office of Regulatory Enforcement resigned, complaining that the agency was “fighting a White House that seems determined to weaken the rules we are trying to enforce." (CNN, Aug. 22, 2002)†[How does it feelHow does it feelTo be on your ownWith no direction homeLike a complete unknownLike a rolling stone?]Bush is underfunding an education system he promised to enrich. “The President cut $200 million from his own No Child Left Behind Act, eliminating crucial educational programs for lower income children and cutting professional training for more than 20,000 teachers†(http://www.bushin30seconds.org/aboutbush.html). This Act was a promise of Bush’s 2000 Campaign.[Princess on the steeple and all the pretty peopleThey're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it madeExchanging all kinds of precious gifts and thingsBut you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babeYou used to be so amusedAt Napoleon in rags and the language that he usedGo to him now, he calls you, you can't refuseWhen you got nothing, you got nothing to loseYou're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.] Along with education, Bush is underfunding homeland security. Though engaged in a war abroad, the Bush administration has been lackluster in stimulating our defenses here. Police and firefighters have been denied contracts and resources, while we are continually told to fear ‘terrorist attacks’.[How does it feelHow does it feelTo be on your ownWith no direction homeLike a complete unknownLike a rolling stone?] How does it feel to be here to experience the downfall of America? ###
Kevin L, entry election and IQ
“IQ and Politicsâ€This was originally posted by the St. Petersburg Times and the Economist, and has been making its rounds on the internet as well.For more information, I found the table at this website http://chrisevans3d.com/files/iq.htm <http://chrisevans3d.com/files/iq.htm> StateAvg. IQ 20041Connecticut113Kerry2Massachusetts111Kerry3New Jersey111Kerry4New York109Kerry5Rhode Island107Kerry6Hawaii106Kerry7Maryland105Kerry8New Hampshire105Kerry9Illinois104Kerry10Delaware103Kerry11Minnesota102Kerry12Vermont102Kerry13Washington102Kerry14California101Kerry15Pennsylvania101Kerry16Maine100Kerry17Virginia100Bush18Wisconsin100Kerry19Colorado99Bush20Iowa99Bush21Michigan99Kerry22Nevada99Bush23Ohio99Bush24Oregon99Kerry25Alaska98Bush26Florida98Bush27Missouri98Bush28Kansas96Bush29Nebraska95Bush30Arizona94Bush31Indiana94Bush32Tennessee94Bush33North Carolina93Bush34West Virginia93Bush35Arkansas92Bush36Georgia92Bush37Kentucky92Bush38New Mexico92Bush39North Dakota92Bush40Texas92Bush41Alabama90Bush42Louisiana90Bush43Montana90Bush44Oklahoma90Bush45South Dakota90Bush46South Carolina89Bush47Wyoming89Bush48Idaho87Bush49Utah87Bush50Mississippi85Bush
Christina D entry election
I began watching the election coverage on NBC and then I switched to
MSNBC. NBC used fancy, colorful graphics and charts when projecting a
winner in a particular state. MSNBC was more straightforward, not using
a lot of glamour in their telecast. I find myself attracted to the
graphics and the different ways stations show their information. One new
way of displaying the results was on a building(it was either in New
York or D.C.) where a window washer type apparatus that raised with the
number of electoral votes Kerry or Bush had. Each one had lights
highlighting blue or red on the building for each candidate. It is so
addicting watching the returns even though I knew there was a slim chance of
knowing who was our next president at the end of the night.
What interests me is how most states, except the nine battleground
states, are predictable before the polls even opened. These nine states
make or break a campaign and as we saw it can even come down to a certain
county of Ohio to call a winner either way.
MSNBC. NBC used fancy, colorful graphics and charts when projecting a
winner in a particular state. MSNBC was more straightforward, not using
a lot of glamour in their telecast. I find myself attracted to the
graphics and the different ways stations show their information. One new
way of displaying the results was on a building(it was either in New
York or D.C.) where a window washer type apparatus that raised with the
number of electoral votes Kerry or Bush had. Each one had lights
highlighting blue or red on the building for each candidate. It is so
addicting watching the returns even though I knew there was a slim chance of
knowing who was our next president at the end of the night.
What interests me is how most states, except the nine battleground
states, are predictable before the polls even opened. These nine states
make or break a campaign and as we saw it can even come down to a certain
county of Ohio to call a winner either way.
Christina D entry
Here is one site I found on Halloween as viewed by Evangelical Christians: http://www.religioustolerance.org/hallo_ev.htm A few main points of Evangelical Christian beliefs are- the "occult" is a set of unrelated esoteric, secretive, practices composed of entire religions, divination techniques(astrology, horoscopes), games(Ouiji boards, children's TV programs and cartoons), music, and other activities including acupuncture, yoga, and meditation. -Most conservative Christians correctly link together present-day Halloween celebrations, ancient Celtic Paganism, and modern Neopaganism. However, many go further and link these practices with Satanism.a few quotes include: Christian Youth Alliance, "Satan loves Halloween because it glamorizes the powers of darkness, drawing little kids into his realm. And it is paying off, witchcraft is exploding among teens today." A Christian Broadcasting Network essay: "Every act around Halloween is in honor of false gods, which are spirits in the realm of the Satanic. Thus, Halloween is seen primarily as a Satanic holiday." -In advance of Halloween for 1999, Focus on the Family, a Fundamentalist Christian agency conducted a poll of their web site visitors concerning their plans to observe Halloween. Results were:30% Avoid it because it is evil 29% Enjoy costumes and candy 29% Turn it into a fall festival 9% Ignore it for lack of interest and 4% Observe it as Reformation Day -- a recognition of the founding of Protestantism.-In 2001, Christianity Today, an Evangelical Christian magazine, conducted a pre-Halloween poll from among visitors to their web site. The topic was their own church's response to Halloween. Results were: 56% My church offers alternatives for the children 34% My church ignores it. Members do what they want. 4% My church opposes it. 4% Other responses. 0% My church observes it -- scary costumes, et al.-Most Evangelical Christian groups offer alternative Halloween activities such as mystery bowling, family film festival, nature walks, neighborly needs, and pumpkin carving parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christian Families Today is a Christian Counseling and Training Ministry . CFT presents seminars and conducts training on various aspects of family life and personal growth. They desire to equip believers with the truth so that they may begin to experience the "abundant life" in all areas of personal and family life. These seminars include:-Christian Couple's seminar-In this seminar, Greg and Connie share the basic biblical principles for having a life-long, joy-filled marriage. Dramatization and personal stories make the weekend interesting and fun to attend. The seminar consists of 8 sessions and the usual format is designed to take place over a weekend retreat.-Parenting with Confidence seminar-Training sons and daughters to be respectful and responsible can be done today, and it can be done confidently in the secular society in which we live. This one day seminar is designed to assist parents and grandparents in raising children and grandchildren by God's grace.-Grow in Grace seminar- designed to teach others how to consistently experience Christ's love, joy, and peace in the midst of life's busyness & stress. This is not just another seminar but a life transforming experience empowered by the Holy Spirit. This exciting, practical seminar is commonly scheduled in a Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon format.-Disciple in Grace workshop- designed to teach and train every believer how to confidently "make" disciples based upon the truths taught in the Grow In Grace Seminar. This hands- on, practical Workshop is commonly scheduled in a Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon format. The Grow In Grace Seminar is a prerequisite for all workshop attendees.-Pursuing Christian Womanhood--This is a practical and relevant study for today's Christian woman who desires to be all that God wants her to be. Delving into the seven qualities of a Godly woman's life taken from Titus 2:3-5, Connie offers encouragement along with application principles. This study consists of 12 one hour sessions, but contact can be condensed to fit your women's retreat schedule.-Celebration of Grace Marriage seminar-The importance of marriage is evident from the promises of God’s Word, and also from the difficulties of everyday living. It is our prayer that God will use this seminar to reveal more clearly His plan for your marriage and through it, express His life.http://www.cftministry.org/ <http://www.cftministry.org/> -----------Interesting site about religious fundamentalists sharing values with Bush. President Bush enjoys solid support from likely voters who attend church regularly. Frequent church-goers were more likely to say Bush best shares their moral values while those who infrequently or never attend church were more likely to say that Kerry best shares their moral values. Sixty-one percent of daily church-goers and 53% of weekly church-goers and even 52% of voters who attend church only on special occasions said Bush best shares their moral values. Fifty-two percent of those voters who said they never attend church said Kerry best shares their moral values.http://newsmine.org/archive/cabal-elite/w-administration/evangelicals-zionists/religious-fundamentalists-share-values-with-bush.txt
Eliz. D Blog entry
FundamentalismThis concept describes those who strictly follow Christian doctrines and a literal interpretation of the Bible. Interestingly, it is described as a political and social movement, not so much religious. Most people that fit under this category are "baby-boomers, and their agenda is power and money. Their leadership are college educated as well." A few of their beliefs include a six-day creation meaning the world was only created a few thousand years ago, not billions. This creation process was not one of evolution rather everything was created right away. Democracy is the cause of all world problems. http://www.sullivan-county.com/news/This concept was coined in 1920 within the US. The Bible is the sacred text. Fundamentalists view themselves as guardians of hte truth. An estimation (probably on the low side) claims there are at least 30 million of these believers in the US alone. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/fund.html"Derivatively, a fundamentalist Christian is a Christian who holds the Bible to be infallible, historically accurate, and decisive in all issues of controversy that the Bible is believed to directly address; which was the central issue for which the Christian Fundamentalist movement has contended." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalist_Christianity