Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Day One

We covered some course basics.
- No required text, AND all students agreed that they are responsible to download and print out any files I specify in lieu of an official text book.

- We discussed how mass media can change the attitudes of a given population to a level where they will do the "unthinkable'. Given appropriate circumstances, a person will go as far as to kill another, either with minor remorse or pride. If they would take another's life, the question "what else could they be capable of doing?" is worth examining.

- We discusssed the role of Mail Order catalogs in stratifying prices and wages in the US, creating new standards for public utilities, and even an American aesthetic for architecture, coast-to-coast.

The class was asked to research "february 27, 1937", the burning of the Reichstag in Berlin.

Please see the "reichstag" link to the right.
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