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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Monday, November 08, 2004
A. Brown two-fer Blogs
Allyson Brown Fahrenheit 9/11 verus Fahren-HYPE 9/11 I found these two films very controversial for several reasons. After viewing both of these movies, I realized that people can manipulate and twist scenarios into the manner which they choose. Each of these filmmakers is putting completely different spins on the exact same situations. Propaganda is clearly evident in both. This made me wonder how people can really trust what is being told to them. Like we discussed earlier in the semester how do people really know what is true. These films demonstrated that any situation can be manipulated in their favor to convince and persuade people of thinking their way and agreeing with their ideas. It makes me question the value of what I’m told now, you just never know the truth because everyone sees the truth from a different perspective. Fear Ad An interesting 527 ad that I saw on television was the Wolves Ad. This ad was put out by Bush. The ad depicted a pack of wolves, representing the enemy, terrorists etc. who were about to attack. The ad proclaimed that if Kerry was elected, these “wolves†would most definitely attack our country. This instills fear in the American public because Bush is trying to scare people into voting for him, because he says he will protect and defend our country from these “wolves†whereas Kerry would be unable to do so. By addressing such an important issue in America today Bush was able to tap into people’s pathos, or emotions and persuade people that they would be safe under his presidency. A few days later I discovered that Kerry had put out an ad in response to Bush’s. Kerry’s ad depicted Bush as an ostrich with its head in the ground to indicate that he has no clue what he’s doing with this country. It kind of struck me as odd that the presidential candidates were comparing each other to animals but I guess it makes sense since they are trying to paint a certain picture, so I guess it works.