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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Friday, November 12, 2004
Caitlin posts
there are some blogs that i had noticed never posted on the site, but i went back to find them in the edit section and wanted you to know i have been doing them
Friday, October 15, 2004
emotions and facts
I found this site and think it might help to differentiate between the facts and the emotions drudged up in this film.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:24 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
This film does a good job of forcing me to think about Moore's movie and seriously question the facts he presented and what sort of spin he may have put on them. Farenheit 911 expresses Moore's opinion as fact and Farenhype 911 goes through and tells the truth to the facts that Moore manipulated leaving room for the viewers to form their own opinions. However being a Bush supporter i have to ask, am i just hearing what i want to?
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:02 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
This little bunny just keeps "going and going" like the battery power. I like these commercials because i think they are funny and after seeing years and years of them it gives off the impression that the same bunny has been moving all these years on the same battery. This commercial appeals to logos of its consumers. It's saying that it is long lasting, that you will save the aggrivation of your things running out of battery power and the money of always having to buy new batteries. It is aimed at anyone who owns battery operated devices and will be buying batteries for them, which today is everybody from 10 till 100.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 11:53 AM
Friday, October 15, 2004
emotions and facts
I found this site and think it might help to differentiate between the facts and the emotions drudged up in this film.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:24 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
This film does a good job of forcing me to think about Moore's movie and seriously question the facts he presented and what sort of spin he may have put on them. Farenheit 911 expresses Moore's opinion as fact and Farenhype 911 goes through and tells the truth to the facts that Moore manipulated leaving room for the viewers to form their own opinions. However being a Bush supporter i have to ask, am i just hearing what i want to?
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 1:02 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
This little bunny just keeps "going and going" like the battery power. I like these commercials because i think they are funny and after seeing years and years of them it gives off the impression that the same bunny has been moving all these years on the same battery. This commercial appeals to logos of its consumers. It's saying that it is long lasting, that you will save the aggrivation of your things running out of battery power and the money of always having to buy new batteries. It is aimed at anyone who owns battery operated devices and will be buying batteries for them, which today is everybody from 10 till 100.
Posted by: caitlinthebrave / 11:53 AM