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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Monday, November 08, 2004
Christina D entry
Here is one site I found on Halloween as viewed by Evangelical Christians: http://www.religioustolerance.org/hallo_ev.htm A few main points of Evangelical Christian beliefs are- the "occult" is a set of unrelated esoteric, secretive, practices composed of entire religions, divination techniques(astrology, horoscopes), games(Ouiji boards, children's TV programs and cartoons), music, and other activities including acupuncture, yoga, and meditation. -Most conservative Christians correctly link together present-day Halloween celebrations, ancient Celtic Paganism, and modern Neopaganism. However, many go further and link these practices with Satanism.a few quotes include: Christian Youth Alliance, "Satan loves Halloween because it glamorizes the powers of darkness, drawing little kids into his realm. And it is paying off, witchcraft is exploding among teens today." A Christian Broadcasting Network essay: "Every act around Halloween is in honor of false gods, which are spirits in the realm of the Satanic. Thus, Halloween is seen primarily as a Satanic holiday." -In advance of Halloween for 1999, Focus on the Family, a Fundamentalist Christian agency conducted a poll of their web site visitors concerning their plans to observe Halloween. Results were:30% Avoid it because it is evil 29% Enjoy costumes and candy 29% Turn it into a fall festival 9% Ignore it for lack of interest and 4% Observe it as Reformation Day -- a recognition of the founding of Protestantism.-In 2001, Christianity Today, an Evangelical Christian magazine, conducted a pre-Halloween poll from among visitors to their web site. The topic was their own church's response to Halloween. Results were: 56% My church offers alternatives for the children 34% My church ignores it. Members do what they want. 4% My church opposes it. 4% Other responses. 0% My church observes it -- scary costumes, et al.-Most Evangelical Christian groups offer alternative Halloween activities such as mystery bowling, family film festival, nature walks, neighborly needs, and pumpkin carving parties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christian Families Today is a Christian Counseling and Training Ministry . CFT presents seminars and conducts training on various aspects of family life and personal growth. They desire to equip believers with the truth so that they may begin to experience the "abundant life" in all areas of personal and family life. These seminars include:-Christian Couple's seminar-In this seminar, Greg and Connie share the basic biblical principles for having a life-long, joy-filled marriage. Dramatization and personal stories make the weekend interesting and fun to attend. The seminar consists of 8 sessions and the usual format is designed to take place over a weekend retreat.-Parenting with Confidence seminar-Training sons and daughters to be respectful and responsible can be done today, and it can be done confidently in the secular society in which we live. This one day seminar is designed to assist parents and grandparents in raising children and grandchildren by God's grace.-Grow in Grace seminar- designed to teach others how to consistently experience Christ's love, joy, and peace in the midst of life's busyness & stress. This is not just another seminar but a life transforming experience empowered by the Holy Spirit. This exciting, practical seminar is commonly scheduled in a Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon format.-Disciple in Grace workshop- designed to teach and train every believer how to confidently "make" disciples based upon the truths taught in the Grow In Grace Seminar. This hands- on, practical Workshop is commonly scheduled in a Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday morning and afternoon format. The Grow In Grace Seminar is a prerequisite for all workshop attendees.-Pursuing Christian Womanhood--This is a practical and relevant study for today's Christian woman who desires to be all that God wants her to be. Delving into the seven qualities of a Godly woman's life taken from Titus 2:3-5, Connie offers encouragement along with application principles. This study consists of 12 one hour sessions, but contact can be condensed to fit your women's retreat schedule.-Celebration of Grace Marriage seminar-The importance of marriage is evident from the promises of God’s Word, and also from the difficulties of everyday living. It is our prayer that God will use this seminar to reveal more clearly His plan for your marriage and through it, express His life.http://www.cftministry.org/ <http://www.cftministry.org/> -----------Interesting site about religious fundamentalists sharing values with Bush. President Bush enjoys solid support from likely voters who attend church regularly. Frequent church-goers were more likely to say Bush best shares their moral values while those who infrequently or never attend church were more likely to say that Kerry best shares their moral values. Sixty-one percent of daily church-goers and 53% of weekly church-goers and even 52% of voters who attend church only on special occasions said Bush best shares their moral values. Fifty-two percent of those voters who said they never attend church said Kerry best shares their moral values.http://newsmine.org/archive/cabal-elite/w-administration/evangelicals-zionists/religious-fundamentalists-share-values-with-bush.txt