Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog

Monday, November 08, 2004

Eliz. D Blog entry

FundamentalismThis concept describes those who strictly follow Christian doctrines and a literal interpretation of the Bible. Interestingly, it is described as a political and social movement, not so much religious. Most people that fit under this category are "baby-boomers, and their agenda is power and money. Their leadership are college educated as well." A few of their beliefs include a six-day creation meaning the world was only created a few thousand years ago, not billions. This creation process was not one of evolution rather everything was created right away. Democracy is the cause of all world problems. concept was coined in 1920 within the US. The Bible is the sacred text. Fundamentalists view themselves as guardians of hte truth. An estimation (probably on the low side) claims there are at least 30 million of these believers in the US alone."Derivatively, a fundamentalist Christian is a Christian who holds the Bible to be infallible, historically accurate, and decisive in all issues of controversy that the Bible is believed to directly address; which was the central issue for which the Christian Fundamentalist movement has contended."
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