Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog

Monday, November 22, 2004

Is there are middle ground?

I have read many of the posts about finding a middle ground between Conservative Protestants and Secular Humanists. I agree that in some aspects of religion it is possible to agree. As someone pointed out the golden rule will apply in someway to each religion. However, finding a common ground with those who take their religion very seriously on the two ends of the spectrum is a difficult task. A conservative protestant wants to hear nothing secular humanists have to say about the big bang and visa versa concerning how God greated life.

There are several religions who take a more opened ended approach to life and death but regardless these religions were developed thousands of years ago, such as Buddhism. Imagining a secular humanists, buddhist,and conservative protestant finding a middle ground seems unlikely. This of course is unfortunate, but we must remember religion, for those who actively practice, is a way of life, a frame of mind.

Interestingly enough I find myself as a middle ground between these two religions. I was confirmed cathoic, but I am not religious. I believe in a God, but I do believe in the scientific theories of how the world was created. Free will, in my opinion, is a huge basis on the behavior of people, regardless of religion.

Thanks Laureen Vermillion
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