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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Italian Leather Boots - Mike D.
After searching KartOO, I found so much regarding this topic. I'll begin with the song by Bob Dylan "Spanish Leather Boots". Ok, so it's not Italian leather, but hey, close enough. On the following website, you can see lyrics to this 1964 song.http://www.bobdylan-fr.com/trad/bootsofspanishleather.html
There were also tons of websites that show Italian Leather Boots for sale, but they are all obvious and boring, so I won't waste any time talking about them. I'll just post a few of the links to the websites here:
http://www.shoebuy.com/sb/shop.jsp/sh_C_Boots/n_C_Boots/b_2-0.82906-56.29 http://www.italianmoda.com/popular/shoes.cfm
I then thought about the topic a little bit more, and I thought of one thing...Catwoman the movie. Although I haven't seen it, I have seen enough commercials and billboards for it that I know that Halle Berry wears her share of Italian leather (boots included) throughout, so if you go to the following site, you can see many pictures of said feline comic heroine:
Then, after I typed looking up Italian leather, I found multiple sites that are not suitable for audiences under 18. Good thing everyone here is 18! Just kidding, being a Catholic school and all, I'll leave those sites for your imagination, or you can check them out at your own leisure ;)
I then thought of the song by Nancy Sinatra "These Boots are Made for Walking", and I thought including a downloadable version of that song would be appropriate. So here it is:
Ok, so there we have it. Tons of information about leather and boots and Italians...well, Italian leather anyway. So, check out the websites, they are pretty cool. And it just goes to show you how much you can find about different topics when you are surfing the web. Surf away.
There were also tons of websites that show Italian Leather Boots for sale, but they are all obvious and boring, so I won't waste any time talking about them. I'll just post a few of the links to the websites here:
I then thought about the topic a little bit more, and I thought of one thing...Catwoman the movie. Although I haven't seen it, I have seen enough commercials and billboards for it that I know that Halle Berry wears her share of Italian leather (boots included) throughout, so if you go to the following site, you can see many pictures of said feline comic heroine:
Then, after I typed looking up Italian leather, I found multiple sites that are not suitable for audiences under 18. Good thing everyone here is 18! Just kidding, being a Catholic school and all, I'll leave those sites for your imagination, or you can check them out at your own leisure ;)
I then thought of the song by Nancy Sinatra "These Boots are Made for Walking", and I thought including a downloadable version of that song would be appropriate. So here it is:
Ok, so there we have it. Tons of information about leather and boots and Italians...well, Italian leather anyway. So, check out the websites, they are pretty cool. And it just goes to show you how much you can find about different topics when you are surfing the web. Surf away.
---Mike D.