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Prof. Power's All-Purpose Class and Commentary Blog
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
"Jesus didn't turn people away. Neither do we." - Carly W
The United
CBS banned the commercial because they said that the ad implied and encouraged the acceptance of gay and lesbian couples which is too controversial to air on nationwide television. "Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups by other individuals and organizations," referring to the commercial in question, a clarification from CBS, "and the fact the Executive Branch has recently proposed a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the [CBS and UPN] networks."[1] NBC merely stated that the ad was just ‘too controversial’, giving no further explanation as to why they refused to air the commercial.
The UCC refuses to let this minor set back stop them from their right to freedom of speech. Other stations still agree to run the ad and air it on nationwide television regardless of what other stations have to say. The commercial will show on: ABC Family, AMC, BET, Discovery, Fox, Hallmark, History, TBS, TNT, Travel and TV Land and Nick at Night.
As I researched this topic, I came across some information that caught my attention. Earlier this year we discussed a website known as ‘belief net’. This website is universally known as the nations’ religious website. While visiting this website it is your choice to answer the questions that are asked and wait for your results. When the website is through compiling the answers to the questions it emails you the results of your quiz which suggests what religion you should be based on your answers to the questions. On Chuck Currie’s website it states that ‘belief net’ “has been conducting an online poll asking their readers if the United Church of Christ commercial banned by CBS and NBC should be aired”.[2] I was surprised to see that 76% of ‘belief net’ visitors agreed that the commercial should have been aired on the original date of December 1st by CBS and NBC.
Something else surprised me as continued to look for information about the banning of this UCC ad. During R. Albert Mohler Jr’s interview on Good Morning America which was aired December 2nd, Mohler stated, “... Jesus Christ did indeed come to seek and to save the lost but as He said to the woman caught in adultery, ‘Go and sin no more…Jesus did not invite persons to stay in sinful lifestyles. Rather, He came to save us from our sins and to make us what we otherwise could not be -- and that is victorious over all the sins that entrap us. Homosexuality is one of those.” I think that what Mohler is trying to explain is that this ad was a good advertisement and a good idea at that but that it misrepresents Christianity’s ideal of religion. Outside of a Christian Church there has not and will never be bouncers regulating the admittance of people. Could this all be just a misunderstanding of mixed signals?
I came across an article as I was concluding my research which focused on Steven Williams, a Christian fifth grade teacher, who was banned by his principal because of the use of some historical documents relating to Christian content. I think that this action taken was completely immoral. Who’s to say what is too religious and that it is bad for children to learn about the past. History is history; you can’t change it, and some of our nations’ history has to do with religion.
In conclusion, our society is taking certain beliefs way too seriously, especially religion. Every person has the right to believe what they want and share their belief with whoever will listen. If some stations do not want to show an ad for or against a given religion then fine, don’t do it. I have found many websites that support the UCC and their right to air an ad for their church. You can express your opinion about the banning of this commercial which I plan to do.
Posted by Carly Wheeler 12/06/04